Monday, June 22, 2009

To Pueblo, CO

On our way to Pueblo for a layover day we stopped in Boone to eat our peanut butter and jam sandwiches.


  1. hope you had chips & soda with that.

  2. Blazer Prophet told me about this trip .
    You'll love oregon if you come threw salem besure
    to take a side trip up silverton and Oregon gardens,...
    Have a safe journey..

  3. I recommend going thru Eugene and due west to Florence.

    Where are you entering Oregon?

  4. We enter Oregon near Baker City and head across to Eugene and Florence. Judging by our route so far, we go through some spetacular areas, so I'm sure it will be the same when we get to Oregon.

  5. I heard you were riding thru John Day, OR. It's very beutifil, but also rattlesnake infested. Don't venture off into the grass or wander down by the John Day river without a lot of caution. When I was younger I helped people catch rattlesnakes there.

  6. Thanks for the heads up on the snakes! I'll take extra care now that I know about them.
