Thursday, May 7, 2009

It was a challenge to find a spot to pitch that wasn't waterlogged. It has rained a lot here. Check out the monster rv's in the background!

Day 3

Morning rush for coffee at the first convenience store. One of the shorter days, 30 miles to Americamp near Ashland.


The many preserved Civil War battlefields make good spots to munch on some sandwiches.

Williamsburg to Willis Church

After more on the parkway the route followed this new Capital bike path. It was another wet day, but luckily we could sleep indoors at Willis Methodist Church.

Wheel dipping in Yorktown

It was too cold and wet to wait for the whole group to do the wheel dipping. So we just did it quickly and got no our way back to our motel in Williamsburg. If all goes well I'll be dipping the wheel in the Pacific in three months.