Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Camping at Breaks

The reward for todays effort is camping in a mountain top forest. As you can see, another part of life on the road is the daily laundry.

Breaks Interstate Park

The final climb up to the park. The severity of the gradient never seems to show in the pics! 1st gear was often not low enough.

To Breaks

We had to haul groceries about 10 miles up 3000ft cumulative climbing from Haysi to Breaks Interstate Park. Here's Bill in his orange riding vest dividing up the shopping into portions for everyone. The cooks for the day are responsible for the shopping and tomorrow's cooks do wash-up today. You don't have to cook very often our group of 14.

Big A mountain

The first big climb today was up big A mountain. Some of us stopped for coffee before the climb. An old farmer started chatting to us. I asked him what big A stood for. He went on to say how his grandma told stories of how they had to haul supplies to the farm up that mountain and that she always called it Big Ass Mountain. So I guess if his grandma called it that, then I guess its OK to call it that!