Wednesday, May 13, 2009


A glorious day's riding off the Appalatians and along the valley through Lexington and Buchanan to Troutville. The high crime rate in S.A. is highlighted when you see the absence of fences and walls here. The railway runs next to the road and between houses and not a fence in sight. Houses don't hide behind 6ft walls but stand proudly on their vast neat lawns open to the street and neighbours. Kids play happily in gardens and their bikes are left outside.

Mallard Duck Camp

This is what we do after supper each day...go over the next day's route. Our tour leader, Bob, is on the right in the green shirt.

Blue Ridge Parkway

The Parkway is an awesome road lined with manicured lawns. The wooden fence is part of an exhibit of a settler farm.

Blue Ridge Parkway

Time for an energy boost at the top of one of the climbs on the Parkway. This one's for you Dom!